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Midgaard, also abbreviated as 'MG' or 'Mid', is the capital city of Thera.
It is a place where newbies and experienced adventurers alike can find many
different useful services.

When you recall, you'll find yourself in the Temple of the Glorious Boreas.
From here, it's just two blocks south to Market Square.  Most directions
featured in our DIR1, DIR2, etc.  Files are assumed to begin from Market

East and west of Market Square, you can explore and find some shops.  One of
the most important shops in the realm is Zifnab's shop, where you can buy

North of where you recall, you can find Montrego the healer.  He will
occasionally cast spells on lower level adventurers for free.  For a price,
you can have him cast a spell on you at will.  Type heal by itself while
standing at Montrego to see a list of what he can cast.

There are lots of other interesting things to find in Midgaard.  There's
even an underground Street of Merchants that can be accessed through the
dump, but beware the sticky fingers of the vagabonds!

There are many signs set up in the shops of Midgaard, placed there with
newbies in mind.  Whenever you see a sign in a room description, type look
sign.  It will usually give you more information about what services you can
use in the room that you're in.

A special note about PLAYER KILLING: Initiating PK while in the above-ground
portion of Midgaard is against the law.  The Immortals themselves will punish
you for such an offense.  However, there is a list of people who have
consented to being attacked within Midgaard.  This list can be found just
above the Grunting Boar Inn, south and east of recall.

Being on this list does NOT mean you may freely attack everyone else you
see.  For a PK battle within the lawful portion of Midgaard to be legal, BOTH
PARTICIPANTS must be on the list.

So, what exactly IS the 'lawful portion of Midgaard'?

It is both within the gates and above the dump.  If you want to PK under or
near Midgaard, please make sure that you are familiar enough with the city to
know exactly what these boundaries mean.