Syntax: open (<object> [where])|<direction>
close (<object> [where])|<direction>
lock (<object> [where])|<direction>
unlock (<object> [where])|<direction>
OPEN and CLOSE will open and close an object or an exit (door, gate, etc.).
LOCK and UNLOCK will lock and unlock a closed object or exit. A character
must have the requisite key to lock or unlock an object or exit (or possess the
'pick lock' skill).
The [where] argument can be used to specify where the object is in relation to
the the character. It can can have the following values:
carried Carried objects (inventory).
equipment Worn objects (equipped).
inventory Same as carried.
room Objects in the room the character is in.
worn Same as equipment.
Note: If [where] is not specified, the room will be checked first, followed by
inventory, and lastly equipment.