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Syntax:  look    [in] <object> [where]
         look    <object|character|direction|keyword> [where]
         examine <object> [where]
         read    <object> [where]

LOOK will at or in something and show what a character can see.
e.g. look in corpse room
     Would look at the contents of a corpse in the room.
e.g. look door
     Would look at a door in the room.

Note:  It is possible to look through portals to see what's on the other side
       through the use of the farsight spell.  See FARSIGHT.

EXAMINE is short for 'look container' followed by 'look in container'.

NOTE: For the purposes of looking through portals with farsight, 'examine'
is NOT the same as 'look in'.  You must use 'look in <portal>' to see through
a portal.  

READ is used to read text imprinted upon signs and plaques.  Basically, this is
identical to the 'look' command.

The [where] argument can be used to specify where the object is in relation to
the the character.  It can can have the following values:
carried    Carried objects (inventory).
equipment  Worn objects (equipped).
inventory  Same as carried.
room       Objects in the room the character is in.
worn       Same as equipment.

Note:  If [where] is not specified, the room will be checked first, followed by
       inventory, and lastly equipment.