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Language and swearing

Swearing will not be tolerated on public channels, nor in public locations.
Rather than listing the words here, just think of it this way:
If you said the word to your mother when you were 3 years old, and
she would have washed your mouth out with soap, then that would be considered
swearing. If your mom didn't care, then think if you had a 3 year old and
THEY said the word and you would grab the soap, it's swearing.
If YOU don't care, and your MOM didn't care, then think about it this way:
if you said the word and Panthion would smack you down for it, then
it's swearing.

If you are still unsure, then be safe and don't say it.

Tells are considered a channel. If the recipient of the tell doesn't mind
your language, then there is usually no problems. BUT if they DO MIND,
then you can be in trouble. How can you tell if they do or don't mind?
Ask them, or just don't swear.

Swearing in says will be smacked down if even ONE person in the room
is offended.

Also note that the use of common words in phrases that are offensive
will be treated the same way. Examples are: a cock is crowing, a bitch dog
in heat, a pussy cat (these are non-offensive statements). Other uses
of these words can be offensive and will not be tolerated.

Why is this not tolerated? A few simple reasons:
Common courtesy
Minors play this game, and it is not proper to use in front of them
Most of this language would NOT be used in a RP environment (Conan never
said 'suck my ****', he said 'By Crom!')