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The following is a list of communication commands and a brief explanation.  For
a more detailed explanation each the help for each one.

DESCRIPTION Edit the character's description.

DEAF        Turns off tells.  Can also use 'tell' with no arguments.
QUIET       Turns off all channels except 'say' and 'emote'.
SAY         Message to awake characters in the room.
GTELL       Group tell.
IGNORE      Used to ignore tells from certain people.
TELL        Message to one specific character.
REPLY       Return message to last person that sent a tell to the character.
UTTER       Speak in the mystical language of magic.
WHISPER     Message to a character in the room, others can't hear it.

EMOTE       Used to express emotions.
PMOTE       Like emote, but can be set for specific individuals.
POSE        Class and level specific poses.
SOCIALS     Shows a list of all available social commands.

GOSSIP      An in character channel seen by the world (even those asleep).
SHOUT       As gossip, but imposes a three second delay.
YELL        A message to everyone in character's area who is awake.

AUCTION     Auction off items and services.
QUESTION    Question to question/answer channel.
ANSWER      Answer to question/answer channel.
MUSIC       Music lyrics.
PRAY        Prayers to the Immortals.
OOC         Out-Of-Character channel.
GRATS       Congratulations channel.
QUOTE       Quotation channel.
CLAN        Clan channel (seen only by other members of the clan).
DIPLOMACY   Diplomatic channel for clan members (<Ambassador> and higher).
FLAME       Tell them all how you really feel!
CHANNELS    Information about channel status.

NOTE        Post a note pertaining to just about anything.
IDEA        Post an ideas concerning the mud.
CHANGE      Implemented changes that affect game mechanics.
PENALTY     Punishments (Immortal only).
NEWS        Upcoming events and such.
NOTIFY      News Daemon notifications.