Syntax: prompt [default|<%*>]
PROMPT without an argument will toggle the prompt on/off.
PROMPT DEFAULT will give the default "<hits mana moves>" prompt.
PROMPT AFK [CLEAR|DEFAULT|string] will allow you to customize the prompt
shown while you are in AFK mode.
PROMPT <%*>, where the %* are the various specifiers you may set yourself, can
be used to customize the prompt in many ways. The following specifiers may be
%h current hit points %F full condition
%H maximum hit points %f hunger condition (food)
%m current mana points %d thirst condition (drink)
%M maximum mana points %i number of items carried
%v current movement points %I maximum number of items can carry
%V maximum movement points %w weight (in pounds) carried
%b hit point bar %W maximum weight (in pounds) can carry
%B mana point bar %r the current room name
%C movement point bar %e the exits from the room
%x current experience %c a carriage return (new line)
%X experience needed to level %a current alignment
%g current gold carried %A permanent alignment
%s current silver carried %q Quest Time or Points
%Y experience point bar %t Local time of the MUD
%p number visible players %P your current position
The following specifiers are for immortals only:
%z area name %R vnum of the room
%Z area vnum
e.g. PROMPT <%hhp %mma %vmv>
Will set the prompt to "<10hp 100ma 100mv>".