The clan of -Gar-Dun-}o believes in Cleansing wrongdoers of their sins (or,
more specifically, their KLR and THF flags). This is most often done by
force, but there are instances where criminals have voluntarily submitted
themselves to the judgment of Kalinar (or Geahlan, in the ancient days).
A voluntary Cleansing can be performed by a GarDun of any level. If you are
a criminal who wishes to be Cleansed, let a GarDun member know. It is
customary to strip off all of your gear and spells so that the cleansing is
quick and merciful. If the GarDun is very low level and you are very high
level, it also helps to arrive severely wounded so that it does not take long
to finish you off.
If you are a GarDun and you cannot convince a criminal to willingly submit
to a Cleansing, well... You know what to do.
Note that a Cleansing may not be performed within the walls of Midgaard,
even voluntarily. It just means more paperwork, and nobody likes that.
Especially immortals!