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Valhalla Crest

The Clan of Killers

Fearsome Warrior

Valhalla is a PK clan that understands the fact that death is a powerful force. They then take it upon themselves to expedite the death of others.
Do not fear death but embrace it and welcome the endless life that follows.

Immortal Clan Patron


Mortal Clan Leader


The Bible of Entropy

The Way of the Death Angel

"...Chaos is the slab on which reality is written. The vortex that binds our universe together relies on the termination of life... Life feeds on life. It has always been that way, and always will be... In our society, the original urge to hunt and slay, once possessed by our ancestors, has been lost. It has been replaced by ranching and other such controlled, untraditional killing... Society is plagued with political powers. These powers are not natural and crowed out the survival of natural, savage peoples. It is for this reason that politicians and anyone who unbalances the way of natural life must be terminated...for the good of the world..."

Ethos of Valhalla

There is a thin line between those who fight for good, and those who kill for it.  Conversely the same for evil.  There is a line thinner still that divides who kills out of need or of desire.  Valhalla is a collection of individuals who enjoy the thrill of the kill they band together under the greater god Entropy to harness their full potential as master killers.  Since these killers come from all walks of life and from all mentalities and alignments, the clan itself is not aligned and focuses on the core issue...  To be the best.  They plot together, share with each other, and often teach each other their skills.

The Arch-Reapers of Entropy

The Arch-Reapers of Entropy are a secret sect within the Valhalla clan.  These members are chosen because of their elite killing skill and enjoy many divine boons.  The Arch-Reapers are said to become Entropy's death angels in the afterlife

The History of Valhalla

The first Dynasty:

In the beginning, a lone warrior wandered the barren land in search of prey. This warrior's name was Kurigan. Unlike other warriors of his time, he was delighted to slaughter anything and anyone in sight. At the time, his prayers remained unanswered. Until one day, after many sacrifices, a god finnaly answered his call. The god was called Ayrathast. Kurigan tried valiantly to recruit more to his cause, but failed. As a result, he eventually died of worms from his uncooked victims' flesh. With lack of worship, Ayrathast soon perished as well.

The second Dynasty:

Several generations later, a follower of Entropy and worshiper of Zamiel deserted the Knights of Zamiel to pursue intrests that the KoZ only lightly performed. The deserter's name was Karnage. He left because he could no longer live with such lack of focus. He could not extort, lie, and cheat because it made him feel somewhat empty. The only thing he really enjoyed was killing. The Knights of Zamiel were not pleased at all by his decision, and attempted to kill him. It was at this time, that Entropy was given his divine assention and left Grok as leader of the KoZ. In a grand showdown, Grok was slain by Karnage in front of his clan. The rest of the clan merely backed away knowing they could never kill him, or have him back. Zamiel in desperate grief for the fallen Grok, quickly returned his damned soul into his dead body among the world of the living . Grok had been reborn and returned to his position in the KoZ. Karnage began to spread his teachings and beliefs. Slowly, others came to follow him. He began wondering where Entropy had ever gone. After many sacrifices, he received an omen... from Entropy! Entropy had tried to fight Zamiel for control of his Knights, but lost. Zamiel, thrilled by the acts of greed and betrayal shown by Entropy had allowed him to live. Entropy was always with one with the dark side of the universe, and decided to hear Karnage's prayers and support his clan. By this time, Nemo and Reporter had been added to the clan. As the clan grew, so did the world's population fall.

The third Dynasty:

Years went by, and Valhalla continued to grow rapidly. Karnage had established a clan stronghold and began receiving artifacts from the God of Death for his clan. After several more years Ander, Karnage's top general noticed that Karnage was getting old and feeble. Ander then challenged Karnage for control of Valhalla. Karnage fell into the eternal sleep by Ander's blade, and Ander became the new King of Valhalla.

The fourth Dynasty:

The land had grown much in the past few years. Midgaard and New Thalos became economic powers of the world, Gardun and the Knights of Tamo had grown significantly larger, and the Knights of Zamiel (Valhalla's largest rival) had begun to dwindle in numbers. Entropy was delighted that his clan had grown to be the most feared in all the realms. During this time, Diablo from the Knights of Zamiel, deserted in a fashion much similar to that of Karnage in the days of old. Diablo came then to join the ranks of Valhalla, where he found he truely belonged. Also new the the ranks, was Karnage's son Palthine. Several more years passed, and Palthine became Ander's top general. Much like Ander was to Karnage. After a short time, Palthine challenged Ander for control of Valhalla as his father once had. Ander was defeated in a magnificant battle and yielded control to Palthine. Ander was spared and allowed to remain a member of the murderous cult. How history does repeat itself...

The fifth Dynasty:

During this time, Ragnarok emereged into its golden age, and KoZ's numbers began to grow again.  Palthine became the most celebrated King of Valhalla, with the honor of being the most feared killer in all the realms.  Some say that they tried to be on the opposite side of the realms as far away from Palthine as they could.  Palthine seasoned by his father's old rivalry with the KoZ actively hunted and slew many of those knights.  Palthine then declared the first Valhallan religious holiday, which is still widely celebrated to this day.  One night Palthine received an omen from Entropy to take on a journey into another land to start more clan factions and teach his mastery in the arts of killing.  He left Phaeton, his best student, and loyal follower as his successosacrifices, he received an omen... from Entropy! Entropy had tried to fight Zamiel for control of his Knights, but lost. Zamiel, thrilled by the acts of greed and betrayal shown by Entropy had allowed him to live. Entropy was always with one with the dark side of the universe, and decided to hear Karnage's prayers and support his clan. By this time, Nemo and Reporter had been added to the clan. As the clan grew, so did the world's population fall.

The third Dynasty:

Years went by, and Valhalla continued to grow rapidly. Karnage had established a clan stronghold and began receiving artifacts from the God of Death for his clan. After several more years Ander, Karnage's top general noticed that Karnage was getting old and feeble. Ander then challenged Karnage for control of Valhalla. Karnage fell into the eternal sleep by Ander's blade, and Ander became the new King of Valhalla.

The fourth Dynasty:

The land had grown much in the past few years, Midgaard and New Thalos became economic powers of the world, Gardun and the Knights of Tamo had grown nced clan skills, Valhalla was once again on the road to becomming a major power. Dill had taken of a wife named Perues, but during a lover's quarrel, the had a quick divorce and not soon after, Perues was slain by her ex-husband.  Perues was revived, and thrown from the ranks of Valhalla.

The Seventh Dynasty:

Dill was growing old now as well and decided to groom Caane as his successor. Eventually Dill's vast quantity of personal enemies became a threat to the clan itself, and he retired.  Caane reluctantly took the crown and slowly began learning the ropes of leadership.  He attracted new and skilled blood to the clan, and continued to invest the clan's resources wisely.   Some of the more seasoned veterans of the clan became weary of Caane and looked for alternatives to his leadership.  Meanwhile a new clan The Legion of Grok had amassed.  Leading this new clan was Predator the ex-emperor of KoZ.  Diablo longed to be under the excellent leadership of Predator again and Predator knew it. They conspired together to betray and muderer Caane.  The clan was feeling uneasy about Diablo.  Caane created  a hidden circle of protection near the Spring of Valhalla which he thought would protect his followers as they relaxed near the spring.  Little did he know that that was the stage for his assassination.    He was lured their by Diablo with an already hidden Predator waiting in ambush.  They attacked when Caane appeared, then the circle of protection flared and defended Caane from all harm.  Caane immediatly had Diablo stripped of his power and cast him out of Valhalla...  Diablo promptly returned to the service of his old master.

The Eighth Dynasty

Now Aikanaka had taken the crown of Valhalla after many years of dedicated service.  Who knows how this dynasty shall unfold.

Legends of Valhalla

Througout Valhalla's history, there have been many legendary killers and persons within its ranks that will be remembered for all time.  With their kill place (of best killers within the legends)

Karange:  The real founder of Valhalla, very good teacher and killer.  Taught Palthine, his son, everything he knows. (1)

Palthine:  First major king of Valhalla, constantly made Predator (the closest non-clan equivalent)  soil his britches.  The best killer I have ever seen.  (2)

Diablo:  This man was unreal.  He also left KoZ to become one with Valhalla.  I never saw him lose a single fight, and he fought OFTEN. (3)

Ciccone:  I would rate him just under Diablo and Palthine, he had his own unique style.  Never talked much trash, but his actions did all the talking. (4)

Phaeton:  Really aggressive killer.  His success rate was very high, he spent most his time hunting other players. (5)

Ander:  An important past leader that helped shape Valhalla into what it is today.  A pretty decent killer.  Most other clans stayed clear of him.  (6)

Fawyna:  First female legend of Valhalla, she was right up there with Ander.  (7)

Gelthis:  He was a natural.  Full of good strategy.  He had a change of heart and became a law enforcer.  He turned out to be the only cop that could deal effectively with Valhallans. (8)

Abysmal Realms Mud
Valhalla Crest